The National Nanotechnology Infrastructure
Network (NNIN) will reach its ten year authorized award life at the end of
Fiscal Year 2013. Under this open competition, NSF will establish a
Next-Generation National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NG NNIN) for
Fiscal Years 2014-2018. A proposed university-based facilities/network should
provide users access not only to the specialized tools, processes, and
expertise for designing, simulating, and fabricating nano-
and micro-scale structures, materials, devices, and systems, but also to the
specialized instrumentation for analysis, characterization, probing, and
manipulation of objects at these dimensions. The proposed network should also
emphasize advanced educational opportunities for graduate and undergraduate
students, technicians, postdoctoral associates, scientists, and engineers
across a broad spectrum of disciplines.
the complete solicitation for additional details and requirements:
on Number of Proposals per Organization: 1
institution may not be included in more than one proposal submitted in response
to this solicitation.
Competition: Because
NSF limits an institution to inclusion in only one proposal as the lead
organization or a partner site, the University of Kentucky has established
an internal selection process. Individuals interested in submitting a
proposal are to submit the following material electronically to the Office
of the Vice President for Research at and to
their Associate Dean for Research by Monday, February 4, 2013:
title and UK’s role in the project (Lead Organization or Partner Site)
Team: PI/Network Director at the lead institution, and other participating
institutions with designated Site Directors;
project description (1-2 p. max.) – A brief summary of the proposed network,
with a clear description of the goals and UK’s role and responsibilities.
A committee will be appointed to review the
information and make recommendations as to the University’s submission.
The NSF deadline for the required Letter of Intent is April 1, 2013 and
the full proposal is due May 13, 2013.
Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in
the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663).