Submission - Effectiveness Research on Smoking Cessation in Hospitalized
Patients; December 11, 2009
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) solicits four-year cooperative
agreement grant applications from institutions/organizations to serve as the Research Coordinating Unit (RCU)
for the grantees of the Effectiveness Research on Smoking Cessation in
Hospitalized Patients (see RFA-HL-10-020),
referred to as primary research sites (PRSs). The RCU solicited by
this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will facilitate coordination of
research activities of the PRSs awarded under the parallel FOA. The PRSs
will be responsible for planning, directing, and executing their own studies and
conducting their own data management and statistical analyses. The RCU
awardee will be responsible for: (a) planning,
arranging, and supporting meetings of the Steering Committee and its
subcommittee to facilitate the use of common measures, methods, and data
management procedures of the PRSs; (b) supporting and coordinating the
semi-annual meetings of the DSMB appointed by NHLBI; and (c) providing the
infrastructure for data aggregation and data sharing across PRSs. NHLBI expects to award $600,000 in total
costs over four years to fund one Research Coordinating Unit (RCU) through this
may submit only one application as the RCU. An institution is encouraged to submit
an application for both an RCU and a PRS, but each must have a different
Research Coordinating
Unit Tasks
The primary goal of the RCU is
to facilitate coordination of research activities and communications between and
among awardees and the NIH. In consultation with the awardees and with
NIH, the RCU will be responsible for conducting a number of tasks, including,
but not limited to the following:
Facilitation of the Adoption of
Common Measures/Procedures and Data Aggregating/Sharing
Communications and
program information is available in the complete announcement:
Because NHLBI limits
an institution to one application as the RCU, UK has established an internal selection
process and a deadline for receipt of applications. Researchers wanting to
submit a RCU application are to send the
following material electronically to the Office of the Vice President for
Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for
Research by Friday, December 11,
Names and departments
of the Project Director(s) and other key personnel of the project
Project overview – 3
pages maximum – Provide a narrative description of the team’s qualifications for
the following:
leadership and
performance experience
b. academic and
management capabilities
capacity and ability
to manage data and communications
d. evidence of meeting
coordination capabilities
staffing expertise
and organizational structure
other unique
strengths that may be relevant to the outcomes research infrastructure and
The Vice President
for Research will appoint a committee to review the material and make
recommendations as to the University’s applicant. The individual will be notified in time
for the December 18, 2009 letter of intent and January 19, 2010 complete
application deadlines.
Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)