Funding-Recovery Act Limited
Competition: NCMHD Community Participation in Health Disparities Intervention
Research Planning Phase (R24);May 27, 2009
The NIH National Center on Minority
Health and Health Disparities (NCMHD) anticipates funding up to 5 awards for
two-year Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) planning grants to
support community participation in health disparities intervention research.
Applicants may request up to $375,000 direct costs per year.
Academic research institutions must
have experience working with health disparity populations and must provide a
history and/or evidence of partnerships with community-based organization.
Non-responsive applications will not be reviewed. See the complete RFA for
additional information and guidelines:
Because the NCMHD will review
only one application from an institution, the University of Kentucky has
established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in submitting
a proposal are to submit the following material electronically to the Office
of the Vice President for Research at
and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Wednesday, May 27,
PI name and department; names and
departments of key personnel
Narrative – 3 pages – descriptive
title of the proposed research; define the relevant community or communities;
describe an existing or proposed involvement with one or more community based
organizations; identify the expertise of the project team in meeting the
specific requirements of the RFA, and provide a rationale for why the proposed
project should be selected as UK's candidate
Questions about the submission
process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President
for Research ( or