Submission - Program to Enhance NIH-supported Global Health Research Involving
Human Subjects; February 17, 2010
invites applications from U.S. institutions for one year of support for resources
and activities that will strengthen oversight of NIH-supported human subjects
research conducted collaboratively with institutions in low- to middle-income
countries. This support is meant to improve the quality as well as enhance the
efficiency of the ethical review and monitoring and accelerate global health
research. It is expected that the enhancements supported will be
sustained by the U.S. and foreign institutions after the award ends.
Applications will be supported to develop
collaborative processes and training as well as jointly used tools and systems
to address the specific needs and capabilities for improved review and
monitoring of protocols for NIH supported research conducted at a developing
country institution. The grants will provide up to $50,000 direct costs of
support for an applicant U.S. Institutional Review Board (IRB) to collaborate
with a developing country counterpart IRB which reviews some of the same NIH
research protocols to do any of the following:
Develop sustainable electronic systems,
procedures and communication methods to facilitate collaboration on review and
monitoring of protocols sent to both IRBs;
Increase administrative, scientific,
socio-cultural and ethical competencies of IRB members and staff related
to research reviewed by both IRBs through joint workshops, short-term exchange
and training activities;
Create sustainable international research
ethics training resources for global health researchers at both institutions to
improve research protocols and practices involving human subjects in the
collaborating developing country.
Additional information and guidelines:
the NIH limits an institution to one application, the University of Kentucky has established an internal
selection process. Individuals interested in responding to this solicitation
are to send the following information
electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to their Associate Dean for
Research by Wednesday, February 17, 2010:
and departments of the Project Director and key personnel including their roles
on the project
of participating foreign institutions
A committee will be appointed to review the information
and make recommendations as to the University’s submission in time for the
February 22, 2010 letter of intent and March 22, 2010 complete application deadlines.
Questions about the submission process may be sent
to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663.)