Funding-Reducing Health
Disparities Among Minority and Underserved Children
(R01); January 25, 2017
Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)
initiative encourages research that targets the reduction of health disparities
among children. Investing in early childhood development is essential. Specific targeted areas of research include bio-behavioral studies
that incorporate multiple factors that influence child health disparities such
as biological (e.g., genetics, cellular, organ systems), lifestyle factors,
environmental (e.g., physical and family environments) social (e.g., peers),
economic, institutional, and cultural and family influences; studies that
target the specific health promotion needs of children with a known health
condition and/or disability; and studies that test, evaluate, translate, and
disseminate health promotion prevention and interventions conducted in
traditional and non -traditional settings.
Activity Code: R01 Research Project
Announcement Number: PA-17-118
Closing Date: Standard dates apply
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