Submission – NSF – Innovation Corps - Regional Node Program (I-Corps Node) –
(NSF 12-586); April 17, 2015
NSF plans to build upon the I-Corps
program and establish a National Innovation Network comprised
of I-Corps Regional Nodes that support regional needs for innovation education,
infrastructure and research. The I-Corps Nodes work cooperatively to establish,
utilize and sustain a national innovation ecosystem that further enhances the
development of technologies, products and processes that benefit society. The
interconnected nodes of this network may be diverse in research areas,
resources, tools, programs, capabilities, and in geographic locations, while
the network will have the flexibility to grow or reconfigure as needs arise.
Regional Nodes will foster understanding on how to: 1) identify, develop and
support promising ideas that can generate value, 2) create and implement tools
and resources that enhance our nation's innovation capacity, 3) gather,
analyze, evaluate and utilize the data and insight resulting from the
experiences of those participating in the I-Corps program and 4) share and
leverage effective innovation practices on a national scale - to improve the
quality of life for the U.S. citizenry.
PI Limit: The PI must be an academic Administrative
Lead at the level of Dean or higher.
on Number of Proposals per Organization: 1
the complete solicitation for additional details and requirements:
Competition: Because NSF limits an institution to lead only one I-Corps Node proposal, the University of Kentucky
has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested in
submitting a proposal are to submit the
following material electronically to the Office of the Vice President for
Research at
and their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, December 16, 2014:
names and departments of the Principal Investigator (PI), project personnel and
other partners or collaborators
of the program and/or funding opportunity announcement number
project overview (2 pages max.) including the plans for regional training,
coordinating regional infrastructure, and long-term research/ development
committee will be convened to review this information and make recommendations.
Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms.
Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research (
or 257-1663).
NSF Deadline: April 17, 2015.