Funding-NSF – Environmental
Engineering; February 20, 2014
The Environmental Engineering program
supports fundamental research and educational activities across the broad field
of environmental engineering. The goal of this program is to encourage transformative
research which applies scientific and engineering principles to avoid or
minimize solid, liquid, and gaseous discharges, resulting from human activity,
into land, inland and coastal waters, and air, while promoting resource and
energy conservation and recovery. The program also fosters cutting-edge
scientific research for identifying, evaluating, and monitoring the waste
assimilative capacity of the natural environment and for removing or reducing
contaminants from polluted air, water, and soils. Major areas of interest and
activity in the program include: Environmental engineering implications of
energy and resource consumption - Focus on conversion of wastes into
value-added materials and energy, reduction of energy/water demand for environmental
technologies, and the impact of energy and transportation processes on the
environment. Availability of high quality water supplies - Develop innovative
biological, chemical and physical treatment processes to meet the growing
demand for water; investigate processes that remove and degrade traditional
aqueous contaminants, remediate contaminated soil and groundwater, and convert
wastewaters into water suitable for reuse; investigate environmental
engineering aspects of urban watersheds, reservoirs, estuaries and storm water
management; investigate biogeochemical and transport processes driving water
quality in the aquatic and subsurface environment. Fate and transport of
contaminants of emerging concern in air, water, and soils - Investigate the
fate, transport and remediation of potentially harmful contaminants and their degradates such as pharmaceuticals, personal care products,
pesticides and insecticides, perchlorates, endocrine-disrupting compounds, and
fire retardants and their degradates.
Number: PD-14-1440
Date: Feb
20, 2014
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NSF support