Funding-NSF – Fluid
Dynamics; February 20, 2014
The Fluid Dynamics program supports fundamental
research and education on mechanisms and phenomena governing fluid flow.
Proposed research should contribute to basic understanding; thus enabling the
better design; predictability; efficiency; and control of systems that involve
fluids. Encouraged are proposals that address innovative uses of fluids in
materials development; manufacturing; biotechnology; nanotechnology; clinical
diagnostics and drug delivery; sensor development and integration; energy and
the environment. While the research should focus on fundamentals, a clear
connection to potential application should be outlined.
Current research themes include: General
Fluid Mechanics: experimental and theoretical dynamics of Newtonian fluids;
laminar flows, transitional flows, and turbulence; hydrodynamic stability; flow
of compressible fluids.Flow of Complex Fluids:
non-Newtonian fluid mechanics; viscoelasticity; flow of polymer solutions and
melts; gelation; flow instability; flow-induced structuring; DNA dynamics;
molecular dynamics simulations. Micro- Nano- Bio- Fluid Mechanics: micro-and nano-scale flow phenomena; biomedical microdevices;
effects of nanoscale inclusions on rheological
properties; flow of Brownian suspensions; biomimetics;
biological flow processes. Turbulence and Flow Control: large eddy simulation;
direct numerical simulation; high Reynolds number experiments; stability and
transition to turbulence; 3-D boundary layers; multi-phase turbulent flows;
flow control; insect flight; gas-liquid interfaces. Instrumentation and Flow Diagnostics:
Instrument development; MEMS; shear stress sensors; Magnetic Resonance Imaging
for engineering flow; velocimetry; flows in
biomedical assistive devices.
duration of unsolicited awards is generally one to three years. The average
annual award size for the program is $90,000. Proposals requesting a
substantially higher amount than this, without prior consultation with the
Program Director, may be returned without review. Small equipment proposals of
less than $100,000 will also be considered and may be submitted during the
annual proposal submission window. Innovative proposals outside of these
specific interest areas can be considered. However, prior to submission, it is
recommended that the PI contact the Program Director to avoid the possibility
of the proposal being returned without review.
Number: PD-14-1443
Date: Feb
20, 2014
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NSF support