Submission - NSF Partnerships for Innovation: Building Innovation Capacity
(PFI: BIC) NSF 14-610; December 3, 2014
Description: The Partnerships for Innovation: Building Innovation Capacity (PFI:BIC)
program supports academe-industry partnerships, which are led by an
interdisciplinary academic research team with a least one industry partner to
build technological, human, and service system innovation capacity. These
partnerships focus on the integration of technologies into a specified
human-centered smart service system with the potential to achieve
transformational change in an existing service system or to spur an entirely
new service system.
systems are socio-technical configurations of people,
technologies, organizations, and information designed to deliver services that
create and deliver value. A "smart" service system is a system
capable of learning, dynamic adaptation, and decision making based upon data
received, transmitted, and/or processed to improve its response to a future
situation. These capabilities are the result of the incorporation of
technologies for sensing, actuation, coordination, communication, control, etc.
The system may exhibit a sequence of features such as detection,
classification, and localization that lead to an outcome occurring within a reasonable
Examples of technology applied to service systems
include smart healthcare, smart cities, on-demand transportation, precision
agriculture, smart infrastructure, and other technologies enabling self-service
and customized service solutions. Examples of other service systems where smart
technologies could make a difference include disaster mitigation and
humanitarian services, communication services, utilities, consulting and
professional services, and hospitality services, to name a few.
PFI:BIC funds research
partnerships working on projects that operate in the post-fundamental discovery
space but precede being on a clear path to commercialization. These projects
require additional effort to integrate the technology into a real service
system with human factors considerations, which in turn might spawn additional
discoveries inspired by this interaction of humans with the technology. Thus, in addition to the discipline related
to the technology, the disciplines to be included in this project are 1)
systems engineering or engineering design, 2) computer science/information
technology, and 3) human factors/behavioral science/cognitive engineering.
on Number of Proposals per PI: 1
Limit on Number of Proposals per
Organization: 2
the full program solicitation for more information:
NSF limits the number of PFI: BIC proposals/letters of intent to two per
institution (as the lead), the University of Kentucky
has established an internal selection process.
Researchers interested in submitting a proposal are to submit the
following material electronically to the Office of the Vice President for
Research at
and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, October 28, 2014:
Names and departments of the PI, Senior Project
Personnel, and other participating organizations;
Title of the program and/or funding opportunity
announcement number;
Project synopsis (2 pages maximum) that includes: 1)
the Service System; 2) the Primary Industrial Partner(s); and 3) Human Factors
Research Tasks.
A committee will be convened to review the material
and make recommendations as to the University’s submissions. Questions about
the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the
Vice President for Research ( or
Letter of Intent (required, however not a screening
device): December 3, 2014
Full Proposal: January 28, 2015