Submission - NSF Critical Zone Observatories (CZO) NSF 12-575; August 1, 2012
Limited Submission -
NSF Critical Zone Observatories (CZO) NSF 12-575
Description: NSF seeks proposals to establish a networked set of Critical Zone Observatories (CZOs) that will address pressing interdisciplinary scientific questions concerning critical zone system dynamics. This zone -the thin veneer of Earth that extends from the top of the vegetation to the base of weathered bedrock- is critical because it is where fresh water flows, soils are formed from rocks, and terrestrial life flourishes.
The CZOs are expected, collectively, to 1) measure and quantify the significant processes of the critical zone on appropriate time and space scales; 2) develop a unifying theoretical framework that integrates new understanding of coupled hydrological, geochemical, geomorphological, sedimentological and biological processes; and 3) develop, couple and validate system-level models to predict how the critical zone responds to external forces such as anthropogenic, climatic, and/or tectonic processes.
An overarching goal of the critical zone observatory network, which will be comprised of US-based sites (50 states plus territories), is to offer scalable and transferable information that could enhance the scale and scope of the knowledge building and societal benefits that will accrue beyond where the specific CZOs are located.
The awards will be up to $5,000,000 over 5 years per CZO.
guidelines are listed in the complete program solicitation:
NSF limits an institution to one CZO proposal as the lead institution, the University of
Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Researchers interested
in submitting a proposal are to submit
the following material electronically to the Office of the Vice President for
Research at and a
copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Wednesday, August 1, 2012:
• The names and
departments of the Principal Investigator (PI), and the CZO team;
• A short project
description (1-2 p. max.) including the potential for scientific and societal
impact of the proposed CZO, the management plan, and ideas for engagement and
dissemination of results.
committee will be convened to review the proposals and make a recommendation as
to UK’s applicants. The Office of the Vice President for Research will notify
all applicants of the outcome in time for the selected researcher to submit a
full proposal for the February 5, 2013 deadline.
Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms.
Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663).