Submission - NSF Partnerships for Innovation; September 15, 2010
Limited Submission - NSF Partnerships for Innovation
(PFI) NSF 10-581
One of the general goals of the Partnerships
for Innovation Program (PFI) is to stimulate the transformation of
knowledge created by the research and education enterprise into innovations
that create new wealth; build strong local, regional, and national economies;
and improve the national well-being. Aligned with this goal, the PFI
competition for FY 2011 funds will provide support for innovation capacity
building to sustained, dynamic interactive knowledge-enhancing
partnership groups composed of academic researchers and small business (as
defined by the Small Business Administration (SBA)) practitioners
focused on intense exploration, re-definition, and creation of novel
platforms for translating research and moving it towards impact. The
basic organizational core of each proposed knowledge-enhancing partnership
group must be composed of an academic lead institution and, at a minimum, two
small businesses. These newly created partnership groups will
provide small group process models for innovation, their hallmark being a
collaboration in which research and its translation paths are shaped and
expanded from both the research and the business perspectives. While the
center-piece of this group is academe and small business, large businesses
and non-profits may participate in this core knowledge-enhancement partnership
unit, which in turn may be embedded in the broader network of a PFI
PI Limit: One
of the Co-PIs must be a Senior Administrator (at the level of dean or above in
the reporting structure, for example, Dean, Vice President for Academic
Research, Provost, etc.), who has a demonstrated commitment to knowledge
transfer of university research. The senior administrator must have an
active role that is explicitly described along with the specification of a time
commitment on the project.
details and solicitation:
Institutional Limit:
Because NSF limits the number of proposals to
one per institution, the University of Kentucky has established an internal
selection process. Researchers
interested in submitting a proposal are to submit the following material
electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a copy to
their Associate Dean for Research by Wednesday, September 15, 2010:
Names and departments of PI, Co-I, and
other key personnel
Names of at least two partnering small
businesses and the participating personnel from each organization
Pre-proposal – a 1-2 page description
of the proposed partnership including the rationale for the focus or platform
and the proposed activities to support and sustain innovation
The Vice President for Research will appoint
a committee to review the material and make recommendations as to the
University’s applicant. Questions about the submission process may be sent to
Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research ( or 257-1663).
Deadlines: Letter
of Intent (required): October 1, 2010
and Full Proposal: December 4, 2010