Funding- NSF Partnerships for International
Research and Education (PIRE); deadline Jan. 15, 2009
Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) program seeks to catalyze
a higher level of international engagement in the U.S. science and engineering
community by supporting innovative, international research and education
collaborations. The program will enable U.S. scientists and engineers to
establish collaborative relationships with international colleagues in order to
advance new knowledge and discoveries at the frontiers of science and
engineering and to promote the development of a diverse, globally-engaged U.S.
scientific and engineering workforce. The PIRE program will support bold,
forward-looking research whose successful outcome results from all
partners—U.S. and foreign—providing unique contributions to the research
endeavor. It is also intended to facilitate greater student preparation for and
participation in international research collaboration, and to contribute to the
development of a diverse, globally-engaged U.S. science and engineering
workforce. The program aims to support partnerships that will strengthen the
capacity of institutions, multi-institutional consortia, and networks to engage
in and benefit from international research and education collaborations
Details on
this solicitation, previous recipients, and a webcast video and transcript are
available at the following websites:
NSF requires
a pre-proposal from all applicants and will accept no more than three
preliminary-proposals from an institution; therefore, the University of
Kentucky has established an internal selection process and a deadline for
receipt of applications. Researchers interested in submitting a proposal to
this program are to submit the following information electronically to the
Office of the Vice President for Research at
and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Thursday, January 15, 2009:
research focus;
nature of the international research experiences to be provided to U.S.
students and early-career researchers, plans for the provision of effective
mentoring in both U.S. and international institutions, and the career
development to be provided;
intellectual merit of the project; and
broader impacts of the proposed project
brief budget
about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of
the Vice President for Research (
or 257-1663).
The Vice
President for Research will appoint a committee to review this information and
make recommendations as to the University’s submissions. The individuals
selected to be UK's applicants will be notified in sufficient time to prepare
the proposal for electronic submission via FastLane
or for the February 26, 2009 preliminary proposal deadline.
NSF will review these applications and invite a select number to submit a full
proposal which will be due August 4, 2009.