Submission – U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) - Malaria Vector
Control Program (RFA-OAA-14-000015); April 29, 2014
The USAID Global Health Bureau, Office of Health,
Infectious Diseases, and Nutrition, is issuing this Request for Applications
(RFA) in the anticipation of awarding a single cooperative agreement (CA) to
build and expand upon USAID’s prior malaria prevention efforts over the past 15
years. The CA issued through this RFA will be a global mechanism which,
over the course of the next five years, will implement the President’s Malaria
Initiative (PMI) malaria vector control prevention strategy through key
activities including global technical leadership, capacity building, and
implementation support.
Estimated Available Funds and Cost Share: The total
estimated amount for this RFA is $60 million for a period of five years.
A minimum of 7% cost share will be requested from Applicants.
An organization is permitted to submit only one (1) application in
response to this RFA.
to Solicitation:
Due to the organizational limits for this RFA, interested applicants must
send the Proposal Development Office (
a brief project overview as a statement of their intent to apply (1/2 – 1
page), along with potential source(s) of matching funds, by Tuesday, April 29,
Deadline: The USAID
deadline for submitting an application is May 29, 2014.