Submission – USDOJ – OJJDP FY 2016 Youth with Sexual Behavior Problems Program
(OJJDP-2016-9004); April 4, 2016
Purpose: This program will
fund agencies that use a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to provide
intervention and supervision services for youth with sexual behavior problems
and treatment services for their child victims and families. Award recipients
will target services for youth with sexual behavior problems, their child
victim(s), and parents/caregivers of the offending youth and child victims.
This program solicitation has two parts:
1 (program sites) – Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention will
fund new program sites that will provide a comprehensive community-based
intervention model to serve youth who have sexual behavior problems and are in
pre- or post-adjudication for inappropriate sexual behavior with a family
member, coresident, or other child with close social
ties to the youth who committed the offense.
2 (support, training, and technical assistance) - the goals of Category 2 of
this solicitation are to develop, design, and deliver training and technical
assistance that supports and guides the program sites as they implement their
community-based management strategies for youth with sexual behavior problems
and their victims and families. Technical assistance needs may vary greatly
depending on the current practices of each program site.
Period/Funding Amount:
1 – three awards of up to $300,000 each for a 24-month project period,
beginning Oct. 1, 2016.
2 – one award of up to $600,000 for a 24-month project period, beginning Oct.
1, 2016.
Link to Funding Opportunity
Institutional Limit: 1 (as the Lead
Competition: To participate in the University’s selection
process, researchers
are to submit the following material, assembled into a single PDF file, to
the Office of the Vice President for Research at
and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, February 23, 2016:
committee will be convened to review the material and make a recommendation. If
you have any questions about the submission process contact Ms. Annette Evans
in the Office of the Vice President for Research at 257-1663.
Agency Deadline: April 4, 2016