Submission – Obama Singh 21st Century
Knowledge Initiative (OSI); August 13, 2013
The United States-India Educational
Foundation (USIEF) announces an open competition for the support of projects
that strengthen collaboration and build partnerships between American and
Indian institutions of higher education. The program’s goals are to encourage
mutual understanding between the U.S. and India, facilitate educational reform,
foster economic development, and engage civil society through academic
cooperation with Indian post secondary educational
Proposals in the following fields are
eligible: Energy; Climate Change; Environmental Studies; Education and Educational Reform; Public Health; and Sustainable Development & Community Development. Exchange
activities may include but are not limited to curriculum design, research
collaboration, team teaching, focused series of exchanges, seminars, among
other activities.
maximum award will be $250,000 for a three-year period. Cost-sharing respective to institutional
capacities is encouraged to demonstrate the commitment of all partner
institutions to the proposed project.
Limited Submission: USIEF
will only accept one proposal per institution.
the complete solicitation for additional details and requirements:
Competition: Because USIEF only
allows an organization to submit one proposal in this competition, the
University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process.
Individuals interested in submitting to this program are to submit the following materials
electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at
and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, August 13, 2013:
and departments of UK Project Director and key personnel
Indian partner institution name, location, and key personnel
of Program: Obama Singh 21st Century
Knowledge Initiative (OSI) FY 2014
short description (1-2 pages) of the proposed project
cost sharing is offered, a budget with match and potential sources of funding
for that match. Note: Because of ongoing commitments, the Office of
the Vice President for Research is unable to provide matching funds.
committee will be appointed to review the information and make a
recommendation. Questions about the submission process may be sent to Ms.
Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President for Research (
or 257-1663).
USIEF deadline is November 1, 2013.