Studies to Identify Behavioral and/or Psychological Phenotypes Contributing to
Obesity (R01); October 28, 2016
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
Division of Program Coordination, Planning and
Strategic Initiatives, Office of Disease Prevention (ODP)
Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR)
purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage grant
applications to support the addition of measures of psychological and/or
behavioral constructs or weight-related variables (e.g.; BMI, body composition)
to existing or new research studies in humans with the goal of elucidating
behavioral or psychological phenotypes that explain individual variability in
weight trajectory or response to obesity prevention or treatment interventions.
The intent is to support the addition of new measurement in domains other than
those covered in the parent grant as a means of elucidating the behavioral and
psychological factors that may explain individual differences in weight
status. For the purposes of this FOA, behavioral factors related to
energy intake include overt actions/behavior (e.g.; objective observation of
eating event including measures such as quantity, selection/quality, and speed
of intake) and underlying psychological processes related to self-regulation of
intake such as cognitive control, affective response, learning, and motivation.
The rationale is that an improved understanding of the individual
characteristics and processes that explain energy intake patterns can lead to
better matching of individuals to prevention or treatment approaches and
identify novel targets for more efficacious individual and population level
approaches to weight management.
Code: R01 Research Project
Announcement Number: PAR-16-304
Closing Date: October 28, 2016;
February 28, 2017; June 28, 2017; February 28, 2018; June 28, 2018; February
28, 2019
Link to Full Announcement