Funding-ACF - Family Strengthening Scholars; June 8, 2015




Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families - OPRE




The Administration for Child and Families, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation will solicit applications for Family Strengthening Research Scholars grants to support dissertation research on healthy marriage/responsible fatherhood policy issues. These grants are meant to build capacity in the research field to focus research on questions that have direct implications for healthy marriage/responsible fatherhood policy decision-making and program administration, and to foster mentoring relationships between faculty members and high-quality doctoral students. These grants are intended to address issues of significance to inform policy decisions and solutions, particularly for underserved/understudied populations (e.g., low-income families, minority populations), utilitize rigorous research methodology (both primary data collection and secondary data analysis), and help inform the development of future intervention research. 


Announcement Number:




Closing Date:


Jun 8, 2015 


Link to Full Announcement


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