Funding-NSF -
Environmental Engineering; February 19, 2013
Science Foundation
The Environmental
Engineering program supports fundamental research and educational
activities across the broad field of environmental engineering. The
goal of this program is to encourage transformative research which applies
scientific and engineering principles to avoid or minimize solid, liquid, and
gaseous discharges, resulting from human activity, into land, inland and
coastal waters, and air, while promoting resource and energy conservation
and recovery. The program also fosters cutting-edge scientific research
for identifying, evaluating, and monitoring the waste assimilative capacity of
the natural environment and for removing or reducing contaminants from polluted
air, water, and soils. Major areas of interest and activity in the
program include:
Any proposal
investigating sensors, materials or devices that does
not integrate these products with an environmental engineering activity or area
of research may be returned without review.
NOTE: For proposals
involving any aspect of chemistry, including but not limited to biochemistry or
physical chemistry, consider making proposal submissions to this program (1440)
with the Proposal Title as: ‘SusChEM:
Name of Your Proposal'. See SusChEM
- New NSF Emphasis Area. Likewise for proposals
involving sustainable engineering.
The duration of
unsolicited awards is generally one to three years. The average annual
award size for the program is $110,000. It is recommended that a
Principal Investigator requesting a substantially higher amount than this
consult with the Program Director, to avoid the possibility of the proposal
being returned without review.
Additional Program
Information - 1440: (e.g., Areas of Research, Research Highlights,
Conferences and Workshops, Program Director Information, etc.)
PD 13-1440
Date: February
19, 2013
to Full Announcement
Debra Reinhart