Science and Engineering Foundation - Research and Development Excellence
Program (RDE); October 27, 2014
Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation (KSTC) announces
a new Request for Proposals (RFP) opening October 21, 2014. This round of
funding (RDE-018) is open to scientists and engineers from accredited
universities, colleges, and other post-secondary institutions, and to small
businesses in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The maximum award size is $30,000
per year. The period of the grant request will not exceed 12
months. The purpose of this program is to support applications for
funding in five priority research areas in the “Emerging Ideas” and “Emerging
Technology” grant categories under the R&D
Excellence Program. The program allows preliminary work on highly innovative,
untested, novel ideas (Emerging Ideas Category) and early development of new
products or technologies (Emerging Technology Category) to venture into
research areas ahead of others. Research results obtained through this funding
are likely to be used as preliminary
results in competing for federal funds and in
gaining researcher recognition as pioneers by their early publication of the
new concept. This funding is considered a high-risk investment, but successful
applicants will help make
Kentucky a leader state in coming years.
Date: Letter of Intent: October 27,
2014; Application: December 22, 2014
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