Funding-USAID -
Request for Information (RFI) Asian Agricultural Technology: Spurring
Innovation, Transfer, Adaptation, and Uptake; October 16, 2014
for International Development
United States Agency for International Development, Regional Development
Mission for Asia (USAID/RDMA), is hereby issuing a Request for Information
(RFI) for the anticipated “Asian Agricultural Technology Innovation and
Transfer” activity. The RFI offers the opportunity for interested individuals
and organizations to provide recommendations on approaches for facilitating the
creation and diffusion of agricultural technologies within the South and
Southeast Asia regions. Stakeholders in the region, including farmers,
policy-makers, researchers and the private sector, have identified technology
transfer as holding great promise in addressing food security concerns in some
of the poorest countries. The diversity across the region is an opportunity for
stakeholders to learn from each other and share knowledge and materials across
borders to provide improved tools for agricultural production and to reduce
post-harvest loss, as well as stronger management systems, to their low-income
farmers. As a regional mission, USAID/RDMA is well poised to facilitate action
on this opportunity and spur innovation, adaptation, and diffusion throughout
the region, with a focus on Feed the Future (FTF)
countries (Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Nepal). USAID/RDMA’s Agricultural Learning
Exchange for Asian Regional Networking (AgLEARN) ongoing
activity has demonstrated some positive examples of technology adaptation and
transfer. Using this as a foundation, the proposed activity will explore new
pathways toward reaching the U.S. Government’s FTF initiative goals of
inclusive agricultural sector growth and improved nutrition. In responding to
this RFI, significant emphasis should be placed on discrete and actionable
interventions USAID/RDMA could take to support agricultural technology
innovation, adaptation, and transfer. Response to this RFI is voluntary.
Responders are free to address any or all the above items, as well as provide
additional information that they think is relevant to Technology Transfer in
Asia. Please note USAID is not seeking technical or cost proposals at this
time. Do not submit any proposal/application at this time. Only the information
requested above will be considered. Issuance of this notice does not constitute
an award commitment on the part of the U.S. Government, nor does it commit the
Government to pay for any costs incurred in the preparation of comments.
Number: RFI-486-15-GDO-AGRITECH
Date: Oct 16, 2014
to Full Announcement
Karittha Jenchiewchan