- Nutrition/WASH Integrated Activity; January 15, 2015
Agency for International Development
Rwanda USAID-Kigali
The United States Government, represented by the U.S.
Agency for International Development (USAID), Rwanda, seeks to address the
serious problem of chronic malnutrition in Rwanda. USAID/Rwanda is exploring
the development of a new nutrition/water, sanitation, and hygiene integrated
activity. This new activity may focus on traditional nutrition-specific
interventions (e.g., exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months, complementary
feeding among children 6 to 24 months, and micronutrient supplementation for
pregnant and lactating women) and social and behavior change nutrition and WASH
messaging. It is proposed that the activity may work within the Government of
Rwanda's Community-Based Nutrition Program and its Community-Based
Environmental Health Promotion Program. Additionally, it may work with district
governments on implementing their District Plans for the Elimination of
Malnutrition. THIS IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. It is not a Request for
Application, a Request for Information, or an indication USAID/Rwanda will
contract for the activity contained in this Special Notice. This Notice is an
attempt to share information broadly and will be treated as information only.
If a Request for Application is issued, it will be announced on the Federal
Grants website
at a later date, and all interested parties must respond to that Solicitation
announcement. If you would like to provide feedback or have any comments,
please contact Geraldine Kyazze at
and Martin Fischer at
Announcement Number:
Link to Full Announcement
Contact Information
Geraldine Kyazze