Funding-SEC Visiting Faculty Travel Grant Program;
December 2, 2013
Dear Department Chairs and Center Directors,
The Southeastern Conference (SEC) Visiting Faculty Travel Grant
Program is intended to enhance faculty collaboration that stimulates scholarly
initiatives between SEC universities.The travel grant
program provides faculty from one SEC university the opportunity to travel to
another SEC campus to exchange ideas, develop grant proposals, and conduct
The University of Kentucky will select a maximum of six faculty
members to receive 2013-2014 grants for transportation, room, board, etc.
(The total SEC allocation to each university is $10,000,
therefore the maximum award is capped at $2500, with requests of lower amounts
encouraged). Travel dates for these visits must be between January 1, 2014 and July
15, 2014. After receiving approval from their department chair, the
faculty member will contact the host unit they wish to visit, in order to
determine that unit’s receptivity and availability. The selected faculty
members will be responsible for arranging coverage of their duties during their
absence. After the visit, the faculty member will submit a brief report,
describing the outcomes of the visit to their department chair, who will
forward the outcomes to the Office for Faculty Advancement.
We are requesting your assistance
in getting this information to your faculty members.
To apply, the faculty member is to submit
the following document electronically (in one PDF file) by December 2, 2013 to :
• Faculty member information:
o Name and Title(s)
o College/Unit and Department
o Campus Address, email address and
phone number
o Biography (no more than 250
• Host institution information, including
contact person at host institution
• Letter of invitation from the
host unit (usually
the relevant department chair) specifying
the dates and the specific expectations of the faculty
• Visit dates
• Anticipated activities while on visit
• Statement of the relevant benefits of visit for UK and host
• Brief letter of
support from department chair, confirming the arrangement of duty coverage.
Below are SEC Visiting Faculty Travel Grant Program guidelines
containing a list of SEC universities, and
FAQ. Please note that while the SEC guidelines request information be returned to them by September 30th, the
information was not distributed to UK until October.
Southeastern Conference
Visiting Faculty Travel Grant Program
(Revised: October 4, 2013)
The Southeastern Conference (SEC)
Visiting Faculty Travel Grant Program is intended to enhance faculty collaboration
that stimulates scholarly initiatives between SEC universities. It gives
faculty members from one SEC university the
opportunity to travel to another SEC campus to exchange ideas, develop grant proposals
and conduct research. The program may not be used in conjunction with outside
and universities are not permitted to carry over unused grant
funding. (Any unused funds must be returned to the SEC office.) Each
university is responsible for developing its own application and selection
process to identify participating faculty. General program procedures are as
Each SEC university
will be able to access up to $10,000 per year from the Southeastern Conference for
faculty members participating in the travel grant program.
The travel grant funds
should be used during an appropriate period, such as a sabbatical leave, the summer
or a designated university break.
A faculty member’s
home institution will distribute the travel grant funds for transportation,
room, board, etc. Checks will be written from the SEC to the university and
must be applicable to all university travel grant recipients for the year.
A faculty member may
visit any SEC institution, and consideration must be given to how many other
visiting SEC faculty will be on a particular campus that year and/or in the
same timeframe.
Faculty members will
be responsible for arranging coverage of their duties at their home
A faculty member will
contact a host unit (e.g., department, research center, school etc.) that he or
she wishes to visit to determine that unit’s receptivity and availability.
The visiting faculty
member may consult with faculty and/or students, offer lectures or symposia, or
engage in whatever activities are agreeable to the visitor and host unit.
After the visit, the
faculty member will submit a brief report to the Provost’s office of his or her
home institution describing outcomes of the visit.
If a university wishes to host
a faculty member, the following basic guidelines will apply:
The host unit should
issue a letter of invitation to the visiting faculty member specifying the
dates and any particular expectations of the faculty member. Examples of
visiting faculty activities include presenting a recital, delivering a series
of lectures, meeting with graduate students, etc.
A copy of the
invitation letter must be sent to both the faculty member’s home institution travel
grant contact and the anticipated host unit’s travel grant contact.
Once a host unit has
accepted a visiting faculty member, another faculty member should be designated
as a personal host for him or her. In consultation with the host unit and
university, the personal host is responsible for advising the visiting faculty
member concerning temporary housing and for making arrangements concerning
office space, telephones, computers, parking and any specialized research
The host unit should
announce the faculty member is visiting and the planned activities.
The following information must be
provided to the Southeastern Conference by the home institution’s
faculty travel grant contact (or designee) by September 30 each year:
A list of visiting
faculty members participating in the program. This list must be received BEFORE
travel grants will be awarded, and it should include:
Name and Title(s)
Home Institution and
Host Unit
Visit Dates and
Anticipated Activities
Copy of host unit’s
invitation letter to the visiting faculty member
Visiting faculty
member’s contact information (i.e., office address, email address and phone
Visiting faculty
member’s biography (no more than 250 words)
Visiting faculty
member’s professional head shot (color, 600 dpi resolution and jpeg format)
Southeastern Conference Member Universities
University of Alabama – Tuscaloosa, Alabama
University of Arkansas – Fayetteville, Arkansas
Auburn University – Auburn, Alabama
University of Florida – Gainesville, Florida
University of Georgia – Athens, Georgia
University of Kentucky – Lexington, Kentucky
Louisiana State University – Baton Rouge, Louisiana
University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) – Oxford, Mississippi
Mississippi State University – Starkville, Mississippi
University of Missouri – Columbia, Missouri
University of South Carolina – Columbia, South Carolina
University of Tennessee – Knoxville, Tennessee
Texas A&M University – College Station, Texas
Vanderbilt University – Nashville, Tennessee
Southeastern Conference
Torie A. Johnson
Executive Director, SECU
2201 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd.
Birmingham, Alabama, 35203-1103
About SECU
The SEC Visiting Faculty Travel Grant is one program
included in the SECU academic initiative. SECU is the main way the Southeastern
Conference sponsors, supports and promotes collaborative
higher education programs and activities involving administrators, faculty and
students at its fourteen member universities. The goals of the SECU initiative
include highlighting the endeavors and achievements of SEC faculty and
universities; advancing the merit and reputation of SEC universities outside of
the traditional SEC region; identifying and preparing future leaders for
high-level service in academia; increasing the amount and type of education
abroad opportunities available to SEC students; and providing opportunities for
collaboration among SEC university personnel.