Submission – National Institutes of Standards and Technology - Summer
Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program (2014-NIST-SURF-01); January 7, 2014
The National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) is one of the nation's premiere research
institutions for the physical and engineering sciences and, as the lead Federal
agency for technology transfer, it provides a strong interface between
government, industry and academia.
The SURF Program provides an
opportunity for the NIST laboratories to encourage outstanding undergraduate
students to pursue careers in science and engineering. SURF is an 11-week
program that provides research opportunities for students to work with
internationally known NST scientists, to expose them to cutting-edge and
state-of-the-art research, and to promote the pursuit of graduate degrees in
biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, materials science,
mathematics, nanoscale science, neutron research,
and/or physics.
This funding announcement
applies to two NIST campuses that have separate SURF applications and review
processes: SURF Boulder in Colorado and SURF Gaithersburg in Maryland.
Limited Submission:
Applicants that apply to SURF Boulder are limited to nominating no more than eight
(8) undergraduate students for participation. However, applicants are not limited in the number of students that
they may nominate for SURF Gaithersburg and the Office of the Vice President
for Research, therefore, is not involved in the application process.
the complete solicitation for additional details and requirements:
NIST allows an organization to submit only one application to nominate up to 8
students under the SURF Boulder competition, the University of Kentucky has
established an internal selection process. Individuals or departments
interested in administering this program are to submit the following
materials electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at and a
copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Tuesday, January 7, 2014:
Names and departments of Project Director
and key personnel
Title of the program and/or funding
opportunity announcement number
Brief project description overview (2
pages maximum) including a plan for recruiting eligible students, student
evaluation criteria, and a timeline for meeting the external deadline.
A committee will be appointed to
review the information and make a recommendation. Questions about the submission
process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of the Vice President
for Research (
or 257-1663).
The NIST deadline is February 14,