Funding-ACF -
National Center for Early Childhood Quality Assurance; July 20, 2015
of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families - OCC
Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Child Care (OCC), in partnership
with the Office of Head Start (OHS) and the Health Resources & Services
Administration (HRSA), announces the availability of up to $3,200,000 to be
competitively awarded for a National Center for Early Childhood Quality
Assurance (the National Center). The National Center will disseminate
high-quality, research-informed/evidence-based resources and provide training
and technical assistance to states, territories and tribes to support the
implementation of rigorous health, safety and licensing standards. The National
Center’s work will include, but not be limited to, providing training and
technical assistance (T/TA) to promote best practices that support the
infrastructure of an Early Care and Education (ECE) quality improvement
framework, including Quality Rating Improvement Systems (QRIS), that are built
on the foundation of strong licensing and health and safety standards; and
supporting partnerships that align quality improvement efforts across all ECE
settings (child care, Head Start, and Pre-K) to move programs to a level of
quality that ensures safety, healthy development and school success for all
children birth to school age (through age 12). T/TA will be delivered to state
child care agencies, Head Start/Early Head Start agencies, and other early care
and education settings across regions, States, tribes and territories. In
addition, the National Center will maximize the use of previously developed
web-based material and resources that are consistent with OHS and OCC national
priorities. The National Center will work collaboratively and cooperatively
with the other OHS and OCC National T/TA Centers and ACF regional offices.
Because of the complex work the National Center will conduct, the grantee is
encouraged to bring together and manage a consortium of knowledgeable partners
within the field of early childhood quality assurance. The National Center’s
work will be research-informed/evidence-based as well as practical in
application by way of training and technical assistance within the field of
early childhood quality assurance.
20, 2015
to Full Announcement
Leatha Chun
(202) 260-0873