Funding-USAID -
Community-based Forest-management Programs for REDD Readiness in Zambia;
November 21, 2012
is interested in supporting organizations capable of managing and implementing a
Global Climate Change (GCC) project aimed at strengthening the Government of
Zambia’s Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) strategy
and improving joint management of forests and natural resources in Zambia. As
part of our market research, USAID/Zambia is sharing the link to a DRAFT
Program Description in order to: 1. Identify potential sources interested in
working on Global Climate Change (GCC) Initiatives in Zambia 2. Gather feedback
from potential stakeholders about the overall objectives and expected outcomes
of the proposed Community Forest -based Management project. Submission
Guidelines Interested organizations should submit a
statement describing the capabilities of the organization that are relevant to
the requirements outlined above. The statement should include summaries of past
experience working with local organizations and host government entities to
implement GCC initiatives, defining and/or managing participatory forest
management areas, and leveraging emissions-reducing technologies. Organizations
are also invited to comment on the DRAFT Program Description. This is not a
request for applications or concept papers. Statements sent in response to this
notice should not exceed two (2) single-sided pages (including attachments,
CVs, and charts) using an eleven (11)-point font size minimum using Times New
Roman or Arial Font type. The statements may be emailed to in Microsoft Word by
5:00 p.m. local time on November 21, 2012. All responses must be received by
the specified due date and time to be considered. Disclaimer and Important
Notes This notice does not obligate USAID to award a cooperative agreement or
grant or otherwise pay for the information provided in the response. USAID
reserves the right to use information provided by respondents for any purpose
deemed necessary and legally appropriate. Respondents are advised that USAID is
under no obligation to acknowledge receipt of the information received or
provide feedback to respondents with respect to any information submitted.
After a review of the responses received, a solicitation may be published on
the Federal Business Opportunities website or
Responses to this notice will not be considered responses to a solicitation.
Confidentiality No proprietary, confidential, or
sensitive information should be included in your response. USAID reserves the
right to use any non-proprietary information in any resulting
Number: AID-611-A-DRAFT-PD
Date: Nov
21, 2012
to Full Announcement
Ayana Angulo
Agreement Officer
Phone 260211357000