Livestock Systems to Climate Change (ALSCC); August
11, 2009
Agency for International Development
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks applications from
eligible universities or colleges to serve as the Management Entity (ME) for a
Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP) entitled: Adapting Livestock
Systems to Climate Change (ALS-CC) Collaborative Research Support Program
(ALS-CC CRSP) The authority for this RFA is found in
the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended. This CRSP activity will be a
Leader with Associates (LWA) assistance award. The successful applicant will be
awarded a five-year Cooperative Agreement Leader Award with responsibility for
managing a worldwide program of research and outreach activities intended to
provide results in multiple countries and/or regions. A five-year extension may
be provided, subject to the following three criteria: (1) a record of good
performance during the first five-year period; (2) availability of Agency
funding; and (3) continued relevance of the CRSP to the overall Agency
portfolio and development priorities. The applicant is required to submit a
technical and cost application as detailed in Section A. The Recipient will be
responsible for ensuring achievement of the program objectives of this CRSP.
Please refer to the Program Description (Section 1) for a complete statement of
goals and expected results. Additional related activities may be awarded by
USAID missions or other USAID offices as Associate Awards. These Associate
Awards are not competed, but rather are awarded under the Leader agreement and
are subject to the provisions of the Leader award. Associate Awards may be
either cooperative agreements or grants.
Number: M-OAA-EGAT-AG-09-1155
Date: Aug 11, 2009
Phone 202-712-0426 Work Email