Funding-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Landscape
Conservation Cooperatives; July 15, 2012
Conservation Cooperatives
Fish and Wildlife Service
The USFWS uses a science-based, adaptive framework for
setting and achieving cross-program conservation objectives that strategically
address the problems that fish, wildlife, and their habitats face now and into
the future. By leveraging resources and strategically targeting science to
inform conservation decisions and actions, Landscape Conservation Cooperatives
(LCC) have been established as a network of 22 collaborative conservation
partnerships from federal agencies, states, non-government organizations,
academic institutions and tribes to ensure the sustainability of land, water,
wildlife and cultural resources. Financial assistance from the USFWS will be
awarded for projects that address the following priority theme areas: Synthesis
Products to Advance National LCC Network Coordination and Function; Addressing
Existing Needs Identified by National or Large-scale Conservation Efforts;
Development of Performance Measures for Landscape Conservation and the LCCs;
Enhancing Landscape Planning and Ensuring Compatible Landscape Planning across
the National LCC Network; and LCC Network-wide Data Integration and
Dissemination. Projects that address these themes will provide critical
science, information, or tools that have wide utility to multiple LCCs or the
LCC Network and will increase the capacity of the LCCs and the associated
partner organizations to conduct landscape conservation.
Number: F12AS00218
Date: Jul 15, 2012
to Full Announcement
Cecilia Todd, Budget Analyst, 703-358-2055