Funding Available:
Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII) Program: Track-2
KY NSF EPSCoR is now accepting Letters of
Interest (LOIs) from Kentucky research groups for response to the
following NSF EPSCoR Track 2 Solicitation:
The program supports research collaborations in NSF-eligible science
disciplines and requires collaborations across multiple EPSCoR-eligible jurisdictions. The KY NSF EPSCoR Office is responsible for coordinating and
developing a single
proposal for submission to this program on behalf of
the KY Statewide EPSCoR Committee.
We are requiring that interested Kentucky research groups submit an LOI
(2 page maximum) to by
August 9, 2013.
The letter should:
- (1) briefly outline the proposed
research topic area,
- (2) identify the proposed
individual participants by name and institution from the respective EPSCoR jurisdictions, and
- (3) indicate
if the EPSCoR office(s) in the
non-Kentucky jurisdiction(s) have been contacted about the
collaboration to assess their governing boards’ interest in the
proposed project.
Jeff Mossey, or
* Please distribute to
other parties who may be interested.