medicine grants; deadline April 6, 2009
The National
Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) invites applications
for Partnerships for Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) Clinical
Translational Research (PCCTR). Each PCCTR application must include at least
one but not more than two domestic U.S. CAM institutions and at least one
biomedical or behavioral research-intensive institution. NIH
defines each type of institution:
will support partnerships between faculty at CAM institutions and at highly
research-intensive institutions in research projects directed towards the
development of CAM clinical research translational tools, including approaches,
tools and methodology that will make substantial contributions to the progress
of CAM research. NCCAM strongly encourages applicants to structure the
proposed research projects around an appropriate, but clearly defined
focus. This focus may be a disease or class of diseases treated using
CAM, a specific group of related CAM interventions, or the mechanisms of action
of specific CAM modalities. Centers may also be organized around a
CAM-relevant theme, e.g., pain.
A Cooperative
Agreement mechanism (U19) will be used to support the research and
capacity-building activities carried out by the multidisciplinary,
multi-institution PCCTR. The PCCTR cooperative agreements will provide up
to five years of support (a planning year with direct costs of $100,000 and up
to four additional years each with direct costs of up to $750,000) for two or
three collaborative CAM clinical translational research projects. Each
proposed research project must be active throughout the requested funding
period, and each research project must involve one or more CAM practitioners,
as well as key personnel from a CAM institution and one or more researchers
with substantial relevant research experience who are on faculty at a
participating research-intensive institution. Project Co-Leaders must be
named from both CAM and research-intensive institutions for each research
project. PCCTR applications are encouraged to leverage resources
available through existing NIH-funded or other research centers.
PD/PI applications to the PCCTR initiative are encouraged. If there are
multiple PD/PIs, at least one PD/PI must have primary appointment at a CAM
institution and at least one PD/PI must have primary appointment at a
research-intensive institution. Applications including consortia
appropriate for the research focus of the application are encouraged.
details including a list of eligible areas of research are available in the
complete Program Announcement:
Because the
sponsor limits an institution to one application, UK has established an
internal selection process and a deadline for receipt of applications.
Researchers wanting to submit a Partnership for Complementary Alternative
Medicine Clinical Translational Research application are to send the
following material electronically to the Office of the Vice President for
Research at
and a copy to their Associate Dean for Research by Monday, April 6, 2009:
The Vice
President for Research will appoint a committee to review the material and make
recommendations as to the University’s applicant. The individual will be
notified in time for the May 26, 2009 letter of intent and June 26, 2009
complete application deadlines.
about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of
the Vice President for Research ( or