Funding-Limited Submission –
Alzheimer’s Disease Core Centers (P30); October 13,
The National Institute on Aging
(NIA) invites applications from qualified institutions for support of
Alzheimer's Disease Core Centers (ADCCs). These
centers are designed to support and conduct research on Alzheimer's disease
(AD), to serve as shared research resources that will facilitate research in AD
and related disorders, distinguish them from the processes of normal brain aging
and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), provide a platform for training, develop
novel techniques and methodologies, and translate these research findings into
better diagnostic, prevention and treatment strategies.
Complete RFA:
Only one application per institution may be submitted.
Because the Sanders-Brown Center
on Aging plans to respond to this solicitation and submit an application for the
October 13, 2010 deadline, there will be no internal
competition. Interested researchers
should contact Dr. Linda Van Eldik,