Impact of Energy and Environmental Policy in Appalachia;
August 20, 2010
Regional Commission
study would measure the net economic impact of energy and environmental policies
that are under consideration by Congress, and examine how the Appalachian
Region will fare with respect to the rest of the nation when these energy
policies are implemented. Policies such as a nationwide renewable portfolio
standard and cap-and-trade for carbon emissions will increase costs for
coal-fired power plants and large manufacturing facilities, and this will have
ramifications for coal mining and heavy industry in Appalachia. At the same
time, the Appalachian Region is rich in energy and natural resources that give
it a comparative advantage in alternative fuels and renewable energy, given the
right mix of policies that would enable the Region to take advantage of these
new opportunities. This study would measure the potential impact of carbon
mitigation, energy conservation, renewable energy, and alternative fuel
production on the cost of energy and electric power in the Region, and trace
the impact on electricity rates and residential, commercial, and industrial
electricity customers.
Date: August 20, 2010
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