Submission –Asthma Interventions in Public and Assisted Multifamily Housing; October 14, 2010
The Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has announced the availability of funding of
approximately $2.6 million for HUD’s Asthma Interventions in Public and Assisted
Multifamily Housing Grant Program for FY2010 to fund cooperative agreements to
develop, implement, and evaluate multifaceted programs for the control of asthma
among residents of federally assisted multifamily housing.
The major objectives
of this program are to support:
Development and
implementation of cost effective, replicable interventions and protocols for the
control of asthma among residents of federally assisted, multifamily housing,
particularly children;
Creation of
sustainable programs and policies (i.e., program activities which continue after
the end of the grant performance period) that reduce exposure to asthma triggers
in the indoor environment (e.g., IPM, smoke-free housing, integration of this
grant with local green and healthy homes initiatives, etc.); and 6
Evaluations of the
effectiveness (including cost-effectiveness) of asthma control programs and
interventions in improving the health of residents and their understanding of
asthma management practices.
The full announcement
can be accessed at:
Click on Full
Announcement at the top of the page.
Only one application
will be accepted from any given organization for a given project under this
grant program.
HUD allows only one application for any given organization under this program,
University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process.
Individuals interested in submitting to this program are to submit the following material
electronically to the Office of the Vice President for Research at
and a copy to their
Associate Dean for Research by Thursday, October 14,
Vice President for Research will appoint a committee to review this material and
make a recommendation. HUD’s deadline is November 16,
about the submission process may be sent to Ms. Annette Evans in the Office of
the Vice President for Research ( or