Development for Biological Research (IDBR); August
27, 2010
Science Foundation
The Instrument Development for Biological
Research (IDBR) Program supports the development of instrumentation that addresses
demonstrated needs in biological research, in areas
supported by NSF Biology programs (see
The program accepts two types of proposals:
A. Innovation Proposals:
Proposals for the development of innovative instrumentation that permits new
kinds of measurements, or instruments that significantly improve current
technologies by at least an order of magnitude in fundamental aspects (such as
accuracy, precision, resolution, throughput, flexibility, breadth of
application, cost of construction or operation, or user-friendliness).
C. Bridging Proposals:
Proposals for transforming, ‘one of a kind' prototypes or high-end instruments
into devices that are broadly available and utilizable without loss of
capacity. If appropriate, PIs should seek SBIR, STTR or similar support
mechanism for implementation of broad distribution following an IDBR award.
The goal is to produce systems that would
benefit a broad user community through mass distribution of the
technology. This program does not support access to an individual
instrument in a user facility, or to data collected thereby; such proposals
should be submitted to other relevant programs or agencies. Projects focused on
enhancing research capabilities in a specific research lab, institution, center
or consortium are not eligible for IDBR support.
Similarly not eligible are projects for the development of methods, assays, or
software for instrument operation, data acquisition or analysis, except as a
component of the instrument development and testing. Interdisciplinary
collaborations are strongly encouraged, as are partnerships with U.S.
industries that can facilitate knowledge transfer, commercialization and broad utilization
in the research community.
In addition to NSF's standard merit review
criteria (see below) the following points will be considered in proposal
Innovation Proposals: Need and potential
impact on biological research, novelty of the device, or clear demonstration of
at least an order of magnitude improvement over available technologies, and
feasibility of the technical plan.
Bridging Proposals:
The magnitude of the potential user community and demonstrated strength of
need, technical plan, and the dissemination plan for making the technology
available to the community.
Closing Date: August 27, 2010
July 29, 2011
Last Friday in July, Annually Thereafter
to Full Announcement
Nily Dan, Program Director, DBI,
telephone: (703) 292-8470, email:
· Steven Ellis, Program Director, DBI, telephone: (703) 292-8470, email: