Climate, Energy, and Sustainability; June 30, 2010
Directorate for
Biological Sciences, Directorate for Computer & Information Science and
Engineering, Directorate for Education and Human Resources, Directorate for Engineering,
Directorate for Geosciences, Directorate for Mathematical and Physical
Sciences, Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences, Office of Cyberinfrastructure, Office of Integrative Activities,
Office of International Science and Engineering, Office of Polar Programs
In FY 2010, NSF is
expanding its support for climate research by issuing five new
cross-directorate solicitations (see solicitations
for deadlines):
These solicitations
are intended to support innovative research and education that will advance our
capability and capacity to understand and predict changes to Earth’s natural
and human-dominated systems, to assess the vulnerability and resilience of
these systems to change, and to foster workforce development and scientific
literacy in these areas. These advances will strengthen the scientific
knowledge base for policy decisions at regional and national levels.
Building on
recommendations in the August 2009 National Science Board Report, Building a
Sustainable Energy Future and the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate
Change 2007, NSF has requested funds in FY 2011 to further expand research
support in this area through new and existing programs focused on Science,
Engineering and Education for Sustainability (SEES). SEES is
proposed to address challenges in climate and energy research and education
using a systemic approach to understanding, predicting, and reacting to change
in the linked natural, social, and built environment through:
The portfolio of SEES
will also help develop the workforce required for future economic, energy
and environmental sustainability.
Information on NSF's
climate research activities as well as plans for SEES is available at