International Communication and Coordination on the Mitigation of Short-Lived
Climate Forcers; July 19,
The Bureau of Oceans
and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs? (OES) Office of
Global Change and Office of Environmental Policy at the Department of State
announce the Request for Applications (RFA) for a project to advance
international communication and coordination on short-lived climate forcers
(SLCFs). The purpose is to initiate a process to: (1) increase information on
existing SLCF inventories, efforts and mitigation opportunities; 2) build the
capacity of developing countries to take domestic action on SLCFs; (3)
disseminate best practices; and 4) develop a framework for future international
cooperation on SLCFs. The agreement awarded will use FY 2010 Economic Support
Funds. SLCFs represent a major opportunity to reduce emissions that contribute
to near-term global and regional climate impacts affecting developing countries,
with mitigation options available at lower cost in many instances than
opportunities to mitigate carbon dioxide. No concerted global effort addresses
SLCFs in the aggregate. To address this gap, the State Department plans to build
the capacity of developing countries to take domestic action on SLCFs and launch
a broad coordinating effort that supports and builds upon current SLCF
mitigation efforts already underway. The main activities to achieve these goals
may include a seminar for developing country policymakers, two workshops on SLCF
inventories and best approaches and practices for mitigation, research into
existing SLCF efforts and mitigation opportunities, and dissemination of these
best practices and related information. The successful applicant will be able to
explain how their proposal is particularly appropriate for achieving the
expected outputs of the SLCF Initiative, which include (1) better-informed
developing country governments and non-government entities interested in serving
as partners and champions of SLCF work; (2) identification of priority areas for
SLCF emissions research and mitigation in developing countries; (3) a report
compiling a global inventory of SLCF mitigation actions, focusing on developing
countries; and (4) a website and other outreach materials to disseminate the
inventory to developing country policy makers and stakeholders, and to support a
framework for future cooperation. Eligibility is limited to
non-profit/nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) subject to section 501 (c) (3)
of the U. S. tax code, foreign not-for-profit organizations, educational
institutions, and to public international organizations. Applicants must provide
evidence that they have significant experience in planning and implementing
international meetings and events. Applicants must also possess relevant
in-house SLCF subject matter expertise, or demonstrate their ability to partner
with an outside organization with the requisite expertise. Applicants are
encouraged to partner or to engage with other institutions to leverage available
funds. Proposals should demonstrate creativity, substance, and relevance to
OES?s goal of advancing international communication and
coordination on SLCFs. A cooperative agreement for up to 400,000 U.S. Dollars
(USD) in FY 2010 Economic Support Funds (ESF) will be awarded, contingent upon
Congressional Notification of funds, for work that fosters international
communication and coordination on SLCFs. The initial period of performance will
be for two years. Funding authority rests in the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961,
as amended.
Announcement Number:
Due Date:
Jul 19, 2011
Applications must be submitted by 5:00 pm Eastern Time on July 19,
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