Submission - - NSF Climate Change Education (CCE): Climate Change Education
Partnership (CCEP) Program; April 6, 2010
The NSF Climate Change Education Partnership (CCEP) program seeks to establish a coordinated national network of regionally- or thematically-based partnerships devoted to increasing the adoption of effective, high quality educational programs and resources related to the science of climate change and its impacts. Each CCEP is required to be of a large enough scale that they will have catalytic or transformative impact that cannot be achieved through other core NSF program awards. The CCEP program is one facet of a larger NSF collection of awards related to Climate Change Education (CCE) that has two goals: (1) preparing a new generation of climate scientists, engineers, and technicians equipped to provide innovative and creative approaches to understanding global climate change and to mitigate its impact; and, (2) preparing today's U.S. citizens to understand global climate change and its implications in ways that can lead to informed, evidence-based responses and solutions. Each CCEP must include representation from at least each of the following communities: climate scientists, experts in the learning sciences, and practitioners from within formal or informal education venues. This combined expertise will insure that educational programs and resources developed through the activities of each CCEP reflects current understanding about climate science, the best theoretical approaches for teaching such a complex topic, and the practical means necessary to reach the intended learner audience(s). Each CCEP should be organized around either geographic regions that share similar climate change impacts, or major climate impact themes (e.g., sea-level rise).
The CCEP program is a two-phase program. This solicitation seeks proposals for development of Phase I Partnerships (CCEP-I). CCEP-I grantees will receive up to 2 years of funding to support synthesis, network-building, and strategic planning activities leading toward potential Phase II Partnerships (CCEP-II).
Link to program page and solicitation:
Because NSF limits the number of proposals to one per institution as the lead organization, the University of Kentucky has established an internal selection process. Prospective applicants interested in responding to this program are asked to send an electronic pre-proposal (1-2 pages) with the following information to Ms. Kris Hobson (, Office of the Provost, and a copy to their Dean by Tuesday, April 6, 2010:
A committee will be convened to review the proposals and make a recommendation. NSF deadlines: Letter of Intent (required) April 23, 2010 and full proposal: May 15, 2010.