Environmental Remediation
Science Program grants;
deadline April 9, 2009
Service Center
The Office of
Science (SC), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), hereby announces interest in receiving
applications for research grants in the Environmental Remediation Sciences
Program (ERSP), which is within the Climate and Environmental Sciences Division
(CESD) in the Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER). The ERSP
seeks to advance fundamental science to understand, predict and mitigate the
impacts of environmental contamination from past nuclear weapons production and
provide a scientific basis for the long term stewardship of nuclear waste
disposal. The program supports an integrated portfolio of research ranging from
molecular to field scales with emphasis on the use of advanced computer models
and multidisciplinary, iterative experimentation to understand and predict
contaminant transport in complex subsurface environments. This mission is
guided by the BER long term performance measure to _provide sufficient
scientific understanding such that DOE sites would be able to incorporate
coupled physical, chemical and biological processes into decision making for
environmental remediation and long-term stewardship._ To meet this measure, BER
funds basic research to investigate the key processes affecting the mobility of
subsurface contaminants found at DOE sites. The goal of this solicitation is to
support innovative, fundamental research to investigate the coupled physical,
chemical, and biological processes affecting the transport of subsurface
contaminants commonly found at DOE sites. Applications should identify critical
knowledge gaps and address hypothesis-driven research to better understand the
significant physical, chemical, and biological processes influencing the form
and mobility of specific inorganic contaminants in the subsurface. Research
projects should aim to provide the scientific basis for the long term
stewardship of contaminated sites across the DOE complex and the development of
new remediation concepts and strategies. Applications must include an
explanation of how the proposed research supports the BER long term performance
measure. The environment of interest is the terrestrial subsurface including
the vadose zone, the saturated zone and key groundwater-surface water
interfaces. The proposed research is expected to contribute to the public good
by advancing the fundamental science associated with the cycling and transport
of inorganic elements in the subsurface, and that benefit will be expressed
through contributions to the technical literature. Listed below are the
specific radionuclide and heavy metal Contaminants of Concern for this Funding
Opportunity Announcement (FOA) and an outline of the general science needs of
the ERSP. Phytoremediation and the study of organic contaminants are NOT
addressed in this FOA.
Number: DE-PS02-09ER09-07
Date: Apr 09, 2009
Link to Full
Deborah Greenawalt