Funding-Food And Agricultural Sciences National Needs Graduate Fellowship
Grants; May 10, 2010
Institute of Food and Agriculture
fellowships supported through the Food and Agricultural Sciences National Needs
Graduate and Postgraduate Fellowship Grants Program (NNF) are intended to
encourage outstanding and committed students to pursue and complete graduate
degrees in critical areas of national need, through graduate programs at
eligible institutions. The support provided through this NNF program, is a
student stipend for the Fellow and a cost-of-education allowance to the
institution. The typical period of performance for an award is five years,
although a few programs may specify shorter (maximum of five years) periods.
For the FY 2010 award cycle, NIFA intends to support graduate Fellowship
training grants for both Master’s and doctoral levels of study. Also, Special
International Study or Thesis/Dissertation Research Travel Allowances (IRTA)
awards will provide support for eligible USDA Fellows to conduct
thesis/dissertation research or to undertake studies at sites outside of the
United States. IRTA awards for eligible USDA Fellows will only be available as
provided for within this announcement. IRTA for current, eligible NNF Fellows
must be requested as a stand-alone application. Applicants provide clarity
about the philosophy of their graduate training, and relevance to USDA mission
science, NIFA priorities and recommendations presented by the National Research
Council, National Academy of Sciences, projected work force needs from the U.S.
Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the National Science
Foundation, Survey of Earned Doctorates. Each funded proposal is expected to
increase the understanding, development of 21st Century skills, research-based
knowledge, assessment, and utilization of technology and resources to advance a
first class next-generation, diverse work force in USDA mission sciences.
Post-doctoral Fellowships will not be awarded, under this grant announcement.
Further, NIFA supports Pre-doctoral and Post-doctoral fellowships in the
Agricultural and Food Research Initiative (see,
May 10, 2010
to Full Announcement
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