Funding-i6 Green Grants; May 26, 2011
Economic Development Administration
i6 Green is a multi-agency competition that focuses on the
nexus between economic development and environmental quality, spotlighting the
best ideas that contribute to a vibrant, innovative clean economy. EDA solicits
competitive applications to encourage and reward innovative, ground-breaking
ideas that accelerate technology commercialization and new venture formation
across the United States. i6 Green will reward
communities that utilize Proof of Concept Centers to accelerate technology-led
economic development in pursuit of a clean economy. Applicants must address a
persistent problem or an unaddressed opportunity with a sense of urgency and
demonstrate how an i6 Green Proof of Concept Center will remove existing road
blocks and spark sustainable economic opportunities in the applicant’s region.
Applicants will be expected to incorporate a credible plan to access additional
resources and demonstrate how the proposed effort will be sustained by a
well-qualified team and partners. Please see section I.A. of the i6 Green FFO
announcement for more information on the program requirements and expectations
of i6 Green. EDA will coordinate this competition with its i6 Green Federal
agency partners: NSF; EPA; USDA/NIFA; the Department of Energy (DOE); the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST). In addition to the EDA award, SBIR grantees that are
part of or central to winning applications may be eligible to receive
supplemental awards from the following participating agencies: NSF, EPA, and
USDA/NIFA. In addition to SBIR funding, i6 Green recipients may be eligible for
additional non-SBIR funding from the EPA and DOE. Also, recipients may be
eligible for additional services from the USPTO as well as the Manufacturing
Extension Partnership (MEP) of NIST. Please see section II.B. of the i6 Green FFO for more information on these
opportunities. Please note that all amounts are contingent upon the
availability of funding. Please see the full FFO announcement under "i6
Green FFO Announcement Link" below for complete information regarding the
competition and to help ensure your application is timely received by EDA.
May 26, 2011
to Full Announcement