Funding-Information on Gulf Oil Spill MRI RAPID
Submission; July 30, 2010
Dear Colleagues:
In light of the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the National Science
Foundation (NSF) has highlighted the Rapid Response Research (RAPID) mechanism
as a means for NSF to receive and review proposals having severe urgency with
regard to availability of, or access to, data, facilities or specialized
equipment, as well as quick-response research on natural or anthropogenic
disasters and similar unanticipated events. RAPID is a special grant
mechanism developed specifically to respond to unusual circumstances where a
timely response is essential to achieving research results.
Because the Gulf oil spill has created a national need to understand the impact
of this event, the Office of Integrative Activities (OIA) wishes to make known
that the RAPID mechanism is also available for proposals to the Major Research
Instrumentation (MRI) program if support for such proposals serves to expedite
the acquisition or development of instrumentation for quick-response research
on the effect of the Gulf oil spill. Instrumentation supported by the MRI
program may be housed in fixed laboratories or be deployable for research in
the field. Up to $5 million is expected to be available to support Gulf oil
spill MRI RAPID awards in FY 2010, pending the number and quality of proposals.
Consistent with RAPID guidelines, individual awards will not exceed $200,000,
and will have a duration of one year. Institutional submission limits that
apply for regular MRI competitions will be waived for this call for Gulf oil
spill MRI RAPID proposals. MRI RAPID proposals will be reviewed as they
are received. Proposals will not be accepted after 5:00 p.m., proposer’s local time,
Friday, July 30, 2010.
Proposals must conform to the guidelines for preparation of RAPID proposals as
specified in the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures (PAPP) Guide
available at:
Information on the MRI program, including the most recent MRI solicitation and
specific guidance on the submission of a Gulf oil spill MRI RAPID proposal, can
be found at:
Prospective proposers are reminded that the statutorily-mandated, MRI-related
cost-sharing requirements apply as specified in Section 7036 of 20 USC 9801
(America COMPETES Act).
A prospective Principal Investigator must contact one of the OIA MRI
program coordinators listed below for referral to the discipline-specific MRI
program officer(s) prior to a Gulf oil spill RAPID proposal submission. This
will facilitate conformance to Gulf oil spill MRI RAPID guidelines and the
coordination of Foundation-wide funding of these awards. The cognizant OIA
program coordinators for this opportunity are: