Biofuel Study and Bio-based Lubrication Technologies for Railroad Applications; June 7, 2010
DOT/Federal Railroad Administration
This funding
opportunity are
for two separate grants that will research biofuels
and bio-based lubricants for locomotive application. Title IV, Section 404 of
the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act, 2008 (Division B of Public
Law 110-432) authorized the FRA, in consultation with the Secretary of Energy
and Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, to conduct a ?Locomotive Biofuel Study.? This
study will focus on determining the extent to which freight railroads, Amtrak,
and other passenger rail operators could use biofuel
blends to power locomotives and other vehicles that can operate on diesel fuel,
as appropriate. Additionally, Section 405 of the Passenger Rail Investment and
Improvement Act, 2008 (Division B of Public Law 110-432) authorized the FRA to
conduct a ?Study of the Use of Bio-based
Technologies.? The study will focus on the feasibility of using readily
biodegradable lubricants for freight and passenger railroad locomotives,
rolling stock, or other equipment.
Announcement Number: FR-RRD-10-010
Closing Date: Jun 07, 2010
Link to Full Announcement
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