Funding-National Fish
and Wildlife Foundation Native Plant Conservation Initiative; July 1, 2010
The National Fish and
Wildlife Foundation
The National Fish and
Wildlife Foundation is soliciting proposals for the
Native Plant Conservation Initiative grants cycle.
The NPCI grant
program is conducted in cooperation with the Plant Conservation Alliance, a
partnership between the foundation, ten federal agencies, and more than 270
non-governmental organizations.
There is a strong
preference for "on-the-ground" projects that provide plant conservation benefit
according to the priorities established by one or more of the funding federal
agencies and to the Plant Conservation Alliance strategies for plant
conservation. In 2010, NPCI is particularly interested in projects that focus on
the effects of climate change. Projects that include a pollinator conservation
component are also encouraged.
Eligible applicants
include 501(c) nonprofit organizations and local, state, or federal government
agencies. For-profit businesses and individuals are not eligible to apply
directly to the program, but are encouraged to work with eligible applicants to
develop and submit proposals.
Projects require a
minimum 1:1 non-federal match by project partners, including cash or in-kind
contributions of goods or services (such as volunteer
Number: July 1, 2010
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