Funding-Announcement of availability of Pilot Project Funds for Studies on Obesity-induced Cardiovascular Disease: August 20, 2010

The Center of Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease (COCVD) <> at the University of Kentucky offers pilot project grants through the NIH NCRR Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) and from institutional support. Pilot grants are intended to assist young investigators to generate sufficient data in the research area of obesity and cardiovascular disease to be competitive for extramural funding. Pilot grants will be awarded at $50,000 per year for up to 2 years, contingent upon annual review. To be eligible for pilot grants, the applicant cannot have or have had an RO1 type NIH grant or an equivalent NSF grant as Principal Investigator.

Applicants should submit a 5-page research proposal that includes significance, background, and experimental design.  Specify within the proposal how the project relates to the theme of obesity-induced diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular).  A budget for proposed use of funds is required.
An interactive application form is posted on the COCVD website:
<> To submit an application, please fill out the COCVD Pilot Project Grant Application form and submit the completed form, NIH biosketch, and proposal (converted to a pdf). You do not need IRB or IACUC approvals to submit a pilot grant application, but you will need approval before funding. If you have questions related to the application process, contact Mary Lowell at <> .

The application receipt deadline for this funding is Friday, August 20 by 5:00 pm.