Soybean Board Proposals: February 4, 2011
Kentucky Soybean Promotion Board (KSPB) is requesting research proposals for
possible funding in fiscal year 2012. Proposals will be accepted from
interested groups until Friday February 4, 2011. Funds
will be available beginning July 1, 2011. The RFP is attached or you may
find it on our website
Board will consider proposals at their March Board Meeting in Princeton.
Research funds shall be used explicitly for actual costs of the proposed
research with no allowances for overhead and administrative costs.
Also remember that equipment cannot be purchased with Checkoff dollars.
are requested in three broad categories.
Please mail 19 3-hole punched copies of each proposal to the College of Agriculture Research Office. The Kentucky Soybean Promotion Board is tentatively scheduled to meet on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 to review projects. If you would like to present your project to the board in person, please call the office at 1-800-232-6769 as the date may change due to weather and planting conditions.