Funding-USDA Specialty Crop Block grants; deadline March 5, 2009
The next available Specialty Crop Block Grant funds, approximately
$8,440,500 (less USDA administrative costs), are available via
applications submitted by March 5, 2009, or sooner.
The Specialty Crop Block Grant Program was originally authorized by the
Specialty Crops Competitiveness Act of 2004 and authorized the USDA to
provide state assistance to enhance the competitiveness of specialty
crops. The Food Conservation and Energy Act of 2008 (2008 Farm Bill)
authorized the continuation of the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program
with some slight modifications. The program is administered by the USDA
Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) and applications can be submitted
by a agency, commission, or department responsible for agriculture
within a state (for more details on the program go to the USDA-AMS
website links below). The state entities authorized to apply for these
grants are encouraged to seek stakeholder input for this grant program
(see State Contacts link below). Individuals, state commodity
organizations, academia, and others in the U.S. specialty crops industry
are encouraged to get involved in the development of applications and
the administration of projects.
Examples of potential projects that enhance competitiveness of specialty
crops include, but are not limited to: research, promotion, marketing,
nutrition, trade enhancement, food safety, food security, plant health
programs, education, “buy-local” programs, increased consumption,
increased innovation, improved efficiency and reduced costs of
distribution systems, environmental concerns and conservation, product
development, and developing cooperatives.
For more information go to:
State Contacts -
Contact: Trista Etzig, 202-690-4942,
Thanks Eric
Eric Young, Executive Director
Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors
North Carolina State University
Box 7561
Raleigh, NC 27695
Phone 919-513-1746
Fax: 919-513-1114