General-NSF -
Important Changes in the NSF Proposal Process; June 1, 2013
This email is
being sent to inform you of the changes made in the revised NSF Proposal &
Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG), NSF 13-1 and issued on October 4,
2012. These changes apply to all proposals that are being submitted with
deadlines on or after January 14, 2013. The changes are below:
1. The
project summary requires three distinct sections: 1) an overview, 2)
intellectual merit statement, and 3) broader impact statement. Beginning
around January 11th, the process to input the summary will change from
uploading a one-page WORD document to inputting the information into three text
boxes within FastLane.
2. The new
Guide requires that each proposal have a separate section that deals with
broader impacts. PIs should include the separate Broader Impact Section
in whatever location of the proposal narrative that makes the most sense.
It should be concise and refer to other parts of the narrative as needed.
The link to
the PAPPG NSF 13-1 is below.
additional information and resources about the revised merit review criteria
researchers with questions about preparing proposal narratives according to the
new guidelines should contact the Proposal
Development Office at 257-2861 or