Interest-EurekAlert - New USDA/REE News Release Web
Site; December 30, 2010
Working with the American Association for the
Advancement of Science’s premiere science portal for journalists and policy
makers, EurekAlert!, we launched today a new public
portal for USDA/REE science at
the main home page, you will see
us listed with the other three federal science portals – NIH, DOE, NSF – that
lead directly to agency-specific content on this AAAS
In addition, we now regularly distribute our news
releases and news stories through EurekAlert! to the more than 3,500 journalists who visit the site weekly
(domestic and international), the 800 or so universities and research performing
institutions who also contribute their news to EurekAlert!, and to the public. You will note that the
aggregating tool at EurekAlert! also collects ALL USDA-sponsored research that is contributed
to the site by other parts of USDA, by university partners, and by other
research institutions – and often it’s stuff we don’t even know
If not already, the REE pages at also will soon be
switched out with new content and the EurekAlert!
link will go to the revised