Interest-Dept of Homeland
Security Long Range Broad Agency Announcement; post
until Jan, 1, 2010
Department of
Homeland Security
White Paper
and Full Proposal submissions will not be accepted from organizations that have
not registered. Any organization that wishes to participate in this
solicitation must register at
before the due date and time established in this BAA. There will be no
exceptions. It is very important to follow the registration instructions. Offerors who have not registered by the mandatory White
Paper website registration deadline will not be permitted to submit a White
Paper and thus will not be able to submit a proposal later. Offerors
must coordinate with all members of their team to ensure the registration
process is done correctly and in a timely manner. To begin the registration
process, go to and select BAA
09-05 from the list on the left side of the screen then select the appropriate
topic area. Upon proper selection, buttons for registration and submission will
appear. Select the appropriate registration button and fill in the requisite
fields, then submit your registration for White Paper (or Full Proposal)
submission. Once the registration process is complete, registrants will receive
a control identification number via email. This control number is necessary to
begin the White Paper submission process. It is not used internally at DHS to
track your paper (a new number is generated once your submission has been
received thought the website and that is what is tracked for the review by the
Advisory Committee and release to an SME for evaluation). Point of Contact:
Susan Eicher Contracting Officer Department of
Homeland Security Office of Procurement Operations Science & Technology
Acquisition Division Washington, DC 20528 Phone: (202) 254-2363
Number: BAA09-05
Date: Dec 31, 2009
Grants Officer
Phone 609-813-2834 Grants
Office Only - not primary Point of Contact