General Interest-Research Support Grant Program Changes; October 1, 2011


Dear Colleagues,


The Research Support Grant program continues to be a valuable mechanism by which to stimulate research and scholarly activity.  


To make this program more efficient and to ensure we are funding the best proposals, we will transition from the current ad hoc submission process to a program with two deadlines per year (October 1 and April 1).  


Several other changes have been made, including requiring a shorter proposal; the details of the modified program can be found at: (scroll down to the announcement).  We will continue to accept proposals under the old format through May 31, 2011.




James W. Tracy, PhD

Vice President for Research

University of Kentucky

311 Main Building

Lexington, KY  40506-0032

Tel: 859-257-5294  Fax: 859-323-2800

