Promoting Aging In Place by Enhancing Access to Home
Modifications; August 13, 2018
Administration for Community Living
Older adults overwhelmingly prefer to stay in their homes and communities as they age. But millions of older individuals live in homes that lack accessibility features that support the ability to live safely and independently. In fact, the Census Bureau reveals that 1 in 3 older adult has trouble using some feature of their home. Another major concern in the risk of falling among older adults. Most serious falls occur in and around the home, and can be life-changing. Home modifications and repairs can help older adults age in place and maintain their independence. In many cases home modifications can also help prevent falls and other accidents in the home. The Administration on Aging, an agency within the Administration for Community Living, intends to award one cooperative agreement designed to address barriers to optimal access to and use of home modifications that support aging in place. The project will be expected to provide technical assistance and serve as a repository for home modification best practices and innovations that can be replicated at the local level.
Announcement Number:
Closing Date:
August 13, 2018
Link to Full Announcement
Contact Information
Sherri Clark